Singing Guide: Brotherhood Of Man

Singing Guide: Brotherhood Of Man

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

To learn singing like Brotherhood of Man, you need to master their unique vocal style of four-part harmony. Their complex arrangements and tight harmonies create a signature sound that separates them from other vocal groups. To achieve this type of singing, it's essential to have good vocal control and the ability to blend your voice with others.

One of the songs that showcase Brotherhood of Man's style is "Save Your Kisses for Me." It's a catchy tune with a four-part harmony that is challenging to replicate. Start by mastering the melody and understanding the chord progression. Once you can sing the melody by heart, start practicing the harmony parts while listening to the recording. Adequate breath support and good pitch accuracy are essential to achieve the harmonies' tightness.

Developing good vocal control is crucial if you want to sound like Brotherhood of Man. You can do this by learning breathing and warm-up exercises that Singing Carrots offers. The Farinelli Breathing exercise video is an excellent place to start. It teaches you how to take deep breaths, activate your diaphragm, and build lung capacity.

Another important skill to master when learning to sing like Brotherhood of Man is singing in different registers using your chest voice, mixed voice, and head voice. The video explaining chest voice will help you with this. It shows you how to transition smoothly from your chest to head voice and mix them together without any strain.

To enhance your pitch accuracy, take the pitch accuracy test on Singing Carrots, which provides feedback on how accurate your notes are. You can also use the Vocal Range Test to determine your range and find out which Brotherhod of Man's parts you can sing comfortably. They liked to switch their vocal roles in recordings, so it's essential to be versatile.

Finally, to improve your vocal technique, you should study the Singing Course. It covers the basics of singing theory, practical tips for technique, and various exercises for range and agility. The course's lessons will help you develop good breath support, tuning accuracy, phrasing, and much more.

By using these resources, you can develop the necessary skills to sing like Brotherhood of Man. Through practice and dedication, you can master their unique vocal stylings and achieve the tight harmonies that make their music so memorable. Keep practicing and experimenting with different techniques until you find a sound that works for you. Good luck!

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.